Monday, 2 April 2012

Welcome to the World, Little Filly

As I peered through the bars of the stall door and as my eyes began to adjust to the darkness, Sara's chestnut ears perked forward and she took two steps toward the door. There was a shuffling behind her as the filly stumbled around trying to stay close to her mother's side. Her long legs splayed out in front of her to keep her balance and her short black tail tucked between her legs. She was light brown all over save for a small white sock on her left hind foot. She had her mother's beautiful eyes.

Outside in the grassy field, two more fillies ran circles around their mothers. Butterflies fluttered through the air in the sun and off in the distance you could see the shining ocean. Tall trees swayed back and forth in the breeze. One filly slipped and fell to the ground and lied there as if it were on purpose. Her mother crouched to her knees and bent her hind legs down and heaved her body to the ground to roll around in the grass next to her baby.

Back inside, the filly was trying to figure out how to scratch an itch on her neck without falling over. She attempted to lift her hind leg toward her neck a couple times, but gave up in the end- balancing on four legs was difficult enough. It was only eight hours ago that she had first come into this world.

Welcome to the world, little filly.